30mm Aluminum Spinner

30mm Aluminum Spinner
30mm Aluminum Spinner
30mm Aluminum Spinner

High quality spinners that will perform as great as they look!

Offered in 30 to 50 mm sizes, all share a common collet style.

Propeller openings are rough cut allowing you to trim for best fit to your prop. (Dremel with a drum sander works well.)

Collets are sold separately, this allows us to deliver you the best possible price. Select the the collet that that fits the motor shaft. For example, your plane requires a spinner with a 50mm diameter and your motor has a 5mm shaft, just pick one of the 50mm spinners and also a 5mm collet. 

Note : Not all propellers will fit properly without modification to the spinner such as propellers with too thick of a root chord, or propellers with too thin of a hub. You can use a washer to shim but we found that it interferes with the prop nut and the nosepiece on some of the smaller diameter spinners . 

A special 50mm spinner for 8mm shaft includes the collet as this large 8mm collet requires some changes to the spinner design. 

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