IDS - A far superior way to mount wing servos (fits MKS servos, DS6125 and HBL6625HV)
The Integrated Drive System, aka IDS is the cutting edge method for mounting wing servos in high performance aircraft.
The servo trays have an outboard ball bearing that helps to carry the servo shaft loads and greatly reduces servo play. The unique servo arm is designed so that it has gobs of clearance, no more grinding your clevis for maximum throw. The servo arm then connects to a strong control rod which connects to your control surface via a more conventional clevi style setup, or the new IDS spoon that gives you massive throws all inside the wing.
The result? Greatly reduced servo slop, easier setup, and no drag as all linkage is inside the wing.
This version is designed to work with the MKS DS6125 and HBL6625HV.
Sold individually.
Construction steps: