Causemann's Sbach-300 600mm is perfect for those looking for a sporty, lightweight craft to fly in parks and other open spaces. This 23" wingspan parkflyer offers a simple and durable construction and is designed to provide a rewarding and exciting flight experience. Streamer combat and pylon racing are just two fun possibilities.
What we love about the Causemann models is the CNC milling to get the basic shape means very little work for the builder, and a great price for a very durable EPP airframe.
Included are all CNC cut EPP foam parts, some carbon strip for making spars, pushrod material and a vacuum formed clear canopy and motor cowl. You'll need to carve out servo pockets, battery compartment and fabricate your own motor mount, as well as provide your own hardware such as control horns. A build guide with pictures (German) can be found HERE
And here is one in action on a mild power setup.